About Robert Stover

Robert Stover
How you think: Your vision, your decisions, your insights, your strategy, send ripples of change throughout your business, your life and your world.
Just as a simple lever can instantly multiply your strength by 10 times, thought-levers can instantly multiply the power of your thinking (and ultimately your results) by 75%, 150%, 300% and more.
In my books, speaking and coaching, I help you unleash the power of these thought levers to unlock the results you seek.
Professional Bio:
Over the last 25 years I’ve had the privilege of working both with Fortune 100 companies and growth-driven, crazy-brilliant, maverick-stubborn entrepreneurs.
Leaving college, armed with a B.S. in Business Administration, my real education started. I joined Proctor & Gamble’s Field Advertising team. While there I worked on brand promotions for Crisco, Pringles, Jif, Duncan Hines and battled our arch enemies – the Keebler Elves.
After Proctor & Gamble’s marketing bootcamp, I launched my own sales and marketing consulting practice.
And I didn’t plan it this way starting out, but many of my first clients were leading growth and marketing training companies to other industries.
So, early in my practice, I had exposure to hundreds of businesses and how they attract traffic, capture leads, create sales and grow profits.
Along the journey I also did work with Investors Business Daily, Chase, Pontiac, Staples and others.
Big Discovery #1
Over the years, I couldn’t help but observe that tactical changes created tens and hundreds-of-thousands of dollars — but strategic changes created million dollar windfalls and altered the futures and fortunes of companies.
Further, hard work, brilliant marketing and exceptional execution couldn’t overcome a bad strategy.
So, I wrote my first book, Strategy Matters, to give business leaders a simple process to capture the power of strategy.
Big Discovery #2
While interviewing INC 500 and other fast-growth CEOs for my second book, I discovered a pattern of game-change that repeated itself with surprising frequency (and created a dramatic impact on growth, profits and competitive advantage).
This discovery lead to the creation of “Unlock: How to unlock game-change through the power of leveraged thinking”.
Personal Bio
I married later in life so, in my single days, had many more hours a day to dedicate to exploring, researching and discovering. My library has over 2150 books related to growing a business.
All this, of course, means I’ve lead a pretty unbalanced life and I’m woefully inadequate at tasks other men and women can do in their sleep.
My lifting the hood of a car and looking at the engine is like a cow staring at a fence. My wife, Laura, has banned me from fixing anything at home because I’m as likely to electrocute myself as repair anything. The other day my 3.5 year old son pushed me away from something I was trying to fix and said, “Me fix it Daddy.” Even he knows.
I’m told I’m supposed to include hobbies and interests here in my bio. But let’s be honest, as an old dad with young kids, I’m not taking extended vacations or practicing martial arts like my younger years. No, I’m up at 3 a.m. trying to get a toddler with scary dreams back to sleep and driving the kids to gymnastics/swim lessons/emergency room/etc..
You can read more case studies and results from my work here.
Amazon reviews on Strategy Matters here.
About my keynotes and workshops here.
And my consulting here.
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